Materiality and Disclosure on Management Approach

Materiality of Sustainability

Sustainability at Saga Furs is driven by company strategy as well as a focused approach, based on assessment of those sustainability issues most relevant to our operations and core stakeholders.

In 2016, the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility team sat down with Saga Furs management and selected stakeholders to reassess and re-prioritize the material aspects of the company’s operations.

In the assessment, we considered stakeholder expectations and the existing or potential impact on the success of our operations, carrying out management and expert interviews as well as an in-depth evaluation of sustainability trends, risks and best practices. The final results and the implementation plan were approved by Saga Furs management. This study followed on from an extensive materiality analysis previously carried out by Saga Furs in 2013.  The company plans to conduct a further materiality update during 2018.

Based on our most recent assessment, Saga Furs continues to put a high focus on traditional sustainability areas such as financial profitability, product development, and human resources and value-network management. However, we have also reaffirmed priority material aspects particular to our business operations where we see ourselves having the most significant economic, social and environmental impact. These include animal welfare, product certification and traceability, emissions monitoring, and open communication.


Material Aspects
1. Animal welfare
2. Product Certification
3. Product Traceability
4. Greenhouse gases and soil emissions
5. Transparency and Open communication
6. Financial profitability and tax footprint
7. Good human resource management
8. Product development
9. Value-network management
10. Saga® trademarks


Disclosure on Management Approach (DMA)

As a company, we believe a strong approach to economic, social and environmental responsibility helps us build reputation and stakeholder transparency, as well as secure product quality and business performance, while minimising risk.

That’s why in 2016, we launched a sustainability programme in the form of a single Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) platform, for setting targets, driving performance and reporting more systematically on progress. CSR issue owners and experts were identified from across the company and brought together to make up the core team.

As the only fur seller in the industry with a supplier certification and auditing programme, our CSR platform, which reports to the Saga Furs Management Team, is well-positioned to build on past sustainability successes as well as effectively respond to any future challenges. Content related to CSR issues and sustainability reports generated by the CSR function is overseen by the Management team then approved by the Saga Furs Board of Directors.

The Saga Furs Board of Directors is the highest body approving policies and guidelines for sustainability.