General meetings

The General Meeting is the highest decision-making body of the company.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held every year in April at the latest. In addition to the AGM, Extraordinary General Meetings can be convened. The Board of Directors decides on the convocation of General Meetings, which can take place either in Vantaa, Vaasa, Seinäjoki or Kokkola. The General Meeting is organized in a manner that permits shareholders to exercise their ownership rights effectively.

The managing director, the chairman of the Board of Directors and a sufficient number of directors as well as the auditor attend the meeting. A person proposed for the first time as director participates in the General Meeting that decides on his or her election unless there are well-founded reasons for the absence.

In accordance with the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, the General Meeting decides on the following matters:

•    amendments to the Articles of Association
•    approval of the financial statements
•    profit distribution
•    acquisition and transfer of own shares
•    option plans
•    election of the directors and their remuneration
•    election of the auditor and auditor’s fees

Shareholders have the right to put an item they want on the agenda of the general meeting, if they so notify the board of directors in writing well in advance of the General Meeting so that the item can be added to the notice of the General Meeting.

The next Annual General Meeting will be held on 25 April 2025. A shareholder who wishes to include a certain matter on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting should submit such request latest 18 March 2025 to

A shareholder entered in the shareholder register ten days before the General Meeting has the right to participate in the General Meeting.

The notice of the General Meeting and the minutes of the meetings are always published on the company website in Finnish language.