Data privacy

Saga Furs has the obligation to protect personal information that it handles during its operations. We are committed on customers´ privacy and the right to data protection. Saga furs will only handle personal data necessary for its operations.

On this page we tell you, how we collect, handle and store personal information.

Privacy statements

We collect different personal information for different purposes. This is why, we have released three different privacy policy statements. In the statements we tell in more detail why and how the information is collected and processed, who has access to it and how do we make sure that your privacy is protected.

Privacy policy statement – Customers and partners

Privacy policy statement – Former employees

Privacy policy statement – Job applicants

Your rights

GDPR gives you the right to know what personal information is processed by our company. You have the right to know what data we store, rectify your information, erasure of your personal data and the right to restrict processing.

You can contact us at We will respond to your request in 30 days.