Saga Furs’ support of young design students in Turkey resulted in beautiful collections

Saga Furs has always supported young designers and helped them to develop needed skills to be able to work with fur and to bring new talents into fur business. Working with fur is true craftsmanship and the sustainability of fur is something that designers and especially young generations find extremely inspiring. This time Saga Furs supported young design students in Turkey, which resulted in several beautiful fur collections.

The seminars, lectures and presentations of Saga Furs technique samples were organized in Istanbul in two different universities – Mimar Sinan Fine Art University and Marmara University. All students showed great interest in these technique samples and were curious to learn more about fur as a material. Eventually student became really enthusiastic about participating in the competition. The collections of the winners were made with the support of the KSIAD Association and in cooperation with the largest Turkish manufacturers.

The winner of the young design competition was Ülkehan Sevgül Gümüs, 4th year student of Mimar Sinan Fine Art University. Her collection Hecate takes inspiration from the witch named Hecate. The second place went to same year student Nur Gϋngör and her digital Circuit collection. The 3rd place went to Asena Saban with collection Freak Show, also 4th year student from the same university.

  1. Hecate collection designed by the winner of the young design competition Ülkehan Sevgül Gümüs. As a winner she will get a chance to visit Saga Furs Creative Hub in Finland and learn more about working with fur.

2. Circuit collection by Nur Gϋngör was selected second on the same young designer competition, organized in cooperation with KSIAD Association and Saga Furs.


3. The third finalist was Asena Saban with collection Freak Show, which takes inspiration from circus culture performance.

In the videos below you can learn more about the project, as well as watch the behind-the-scenes video with the three talented finalists of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. On the video they talk more about their collections, inspiration and working with Saga Furs.