The Saga Furs´ team has been preparing for months a project named Aurora, dedicated to the revival of the Blue fox. The Aurora project roadshow is both in honor of the Auroa Borealis, the magical northern lights seen in North of Finland, the home of Finnish Blue fox, and of the idea of rebirth. The roadshow consists of three major parts: communicating the story and the usage of Blue fox, presenting the latest color trend and fox fur technic samples, and establishing contacts with Chinese fashion companies, professional fur manufacturers and retailers.
On November 14th, the Aurora project roadshow was launched in Chong-Fu, China. Chong-Fu is one of the most relevant professional fur processing and manufacturing centers in China, especially for fox fur materials. The Saga Furs´ China team and Saga Furs Creative Hub have selected more than a hundred samples focusing on Blue fox and Shadow fox, combined with different materials. A trend booklet dedicated to Aurora program introduces responsible and sustainable operations of Saga Furs, Blue fox heritage and usage, in addition to the latest fashion trend. More than fifty companies including manufacturers, brands and online retailers participated in the launch event. The launch was strongly supported by the local Fur Association and fur trade professionals.
Following the launch in Chong-Fu, the Saga Furs´ team will continue the Aurora roadshow and visit Chinese fashion companies located in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Beijing and Shenzhen areas. More than forty fashion companies are scheduled for individual company visits. The Saga Furs´ team will continue focusing on fox usage by showing fox technique samples, explaining fox usage and the latest color trend to fashion companies with their designers and product development staff.